Pteris vittata L.

  • Authority

    Proctor, George R. 1989. Ferns of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 53: 1-389.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Pteris vittata L.

  • Description

    Species Description - Rhizome decumbent to erect, densely clothed with pale greenish to pale brownish, linear, hairpointed scales to 5 mm long. Fronds prostrate to ascending or arching, mostly 20-100 cm long; stipes pale brown, grooved adaxially, much shorter than the blades and densely clothed with pale, hairlike scales. Blades usually 6-25 cm broad or more, oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, attenuate at base, at apex terminating abruptly in a long, linear pinna usually larger than the lateral ones; lateral pinnae narrowly lance-linear, the bases often slightly dilated, the margins (where not soriferous) finely and sharply serrulate; tissue thin-herbaceous, bright green, glabrous, the veins raised, mostly 1-forked near base. Indusium firm, greenish-brown, entire or slightly undulate.

    Distribution and Ecology - General Distribution. Old World tropics; introduced and naturalized in Rorida and other parts of the southem United States, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Virgin Is., the Lesser Antilles, Trinidad, and probably other areas. Distribution in Puerto Rico. Very widespread, but not often collected; recorded from Camuy, Isabela, Ponce, San Juan, and Vega Alta, but occurs in many other areas. Virgin Islands. St. Croix, St. Thomas, St. John, Tortola, and Guana. Habitat. Crevices of old walls, shaded waste ground, rocky banks, and sometimes on cliflfs, at low to high elevations (10-1240 m), common.]

  • Discussion

    Type. Osbeck, from China {LINN 1246.3).