Bromelia antiacantha Bertol.
Smith, Lyman B. & Downs, Robert J. 1979. Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 14 (3): 1493-2142. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
Type. Typified by original description and later plate.
Bromelia acanga Willd., Bromelia commeliniana de Vriese, Bromelia sceptrum Fenzl, Agallostachys antiacantha (Bertol.) Beer, Bromelia fastuosa Lindl., Bromelia pinguin L., Hechtia longifolia Baker ex
Description - Plant flowering to 3 m high, propagating by stout rhizomes to 1 m long; leaves to 100 or more in a dense rosette, not narrowed between sheath and blade, to 3 m long; outer sheaths short, broadly subtriangular, covered toward apex with linear brown scales, inner sheaths large, elliptic, pale, pale-flocculose; outer blades linear, attenuate, pungent, 20-35 mm wide, laxly serrate with stout antrorse and retrorse curved spines to 8 mm long, glabrous above, minutely pale-lepidote between the nerves beneath, green, the inner blades red and smaller. Scape usually short but always evident, stout, densely white-flocculose; scape-bracts like the inner leaves, very densely imbricate. Inflorescence subcylindric, dense or sublax, 2-10 dm long, 6-30 cm in diameter, minutely white-flocculose except for the petals; primary bracts like the scape-bracts the uppermost bladeless, the lowest much exceeding the branches; branches erect or suberect, from a few fasciculate flowers to 12 racemose ones. Floral bracts broadly subelliptic, obtuse or acute, 6-10 mm long, shorter than the ovary, entire, whitish, submembranaceous; pedicels rather slender, those of the lower flowers to 1 cm long; flowers 35-40 mm long. Sepals free, erect, elliptic or oblong, obtuse or broadly subacute, slightly if at all carinate, nearly flat, 6-13 mm long, submembranaceous, entire; petals erect, oblong, obtuse, 25-30 mm long, short-connate with the filaments, purple, glabrous; stamens included; ovary cylindric. Fruit ovoid or ellipsoid, to 50 mm long, 25 mm in diameter.
Common Names
Banana do mato
Restinga (coastal scrub) or forest, from near sea level to 1000 m alt, southeastern Brazil and Uruguay.
Brazil South America| Rio de Janeiro Brazil South America| Guanabara Brazil South America| São Paulo Brazil South America| Paraná Brazil South America| Santa Catarina Brazil South America| Rio Grande do Sul Brazil South America| Uruguay South America| Rocha Uruguay South America| Maldonado Uruguay South America|