Potamogeton linguatus Hagstr.

  • Authority

    Haynes, Robert R. & Holm-Nielsen, Lauritz B. 2003. Potamogetonaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 85: 1-52. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Potamogeton linguatus Hagstr.

  • Type

    Type. Chile. Kark, 1899, Borge s.n. (lectotype, here designated, S).

  • Description

    Species Description - Rhizomes present; erect stems terete, without spots, to 135 cm long. Leaves both submersed and floating, petiolate, ± spirally arranged; submersed leaves coarse, dark green, the blades entire, noncrisped, elliptic, nonarcuate, 15-21-veined, 11.5-14 x 2.5-3.5 cm, lacunae absent each side of midrib, the apex noncucullate, acute, the base attentuate, often decurrent on petiole, the petiole flattened, 0.5-2.5 cm long, the ligules inconspicuous, free from blade, light green, nonfibrous, not shredding at tip, persistent, convolute, 4.8-6.4 cm, apex acute; floating leaves dark green above, the blades ovate, 21-23-veined, 5-6.5 x 2.5-3 cm, the apex acuminate, the base cordate, the petiole continuous in color to apex, 1.5-13 cm long. Turions absent. Inflorescences unbranched; peduncles all similar, cylindric, terminal or axillary, erect, 5-15.5 cm long; spikes similar, cylindric, 2.5-2.8 cm long. Fruits sessile, obovate, compressed, pale green, abaxially keeled, without lateral keels or ridges, 3.8-4.2 x 2.6-2.9 mm; beak erect, ventral, ca. 0.2 mm long; sides without basal tubercles; embryo with less than one spiral.

  • Discussion

    Tur (1982) indicated Borge s.n. (S) as the holotype of this taxon. That is not possible, since Hagström (1916) cited specimens by three different collectors in the protologue, none of which was designated as a type. We have examined all the collections, Skottsberg 234 from Tierra del Fuego, Dusén s.n. from Llanquihue in Chile, and the Borge collection. All three specimens represent the same taxon, and neither one is better preserved than the others. Finally, Tur (1982) published a photo of the Borge specimen. Because she has previously published it as the holotype and thus a photograph of it is available in the literature, and because it is as representative of the species as the others, we have chosen to designate it as the lectotype.

  • Distribution

    Argentina and Chile. Lakes and rivers, at elevations from sea level to 1250 m.

    Argentina South America| Chubut Argentina South America| Corrientes Argentina South America| Rio Negro Argentina South America| Santa Cruz Argentina South America| Tierra del Fuego Argentina South America| Chile South America| Aisén Chile South America| Chiloé Chile South America| Llanquihue Chile South America| Valdivia Chile South America|