Vriesea incurvata Gaudich.

  • Authority

    Smith, Lyman B. & Downs, Robert J. 1977. Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 14 (2): 663-1492. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Vriesea incurvata Gaudich.

  • Type

    Type. Gaudichaud 120 (holotype P, GH photo), without locality but probably from the Ilha de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

  • Synonyms

    Vriesea psittacina var. truffautiana André, Vriesea inflata (Wawra) Wawra, Tillandsia incurvata (Gaudich.) Baker, Vriesea truffautiana Baker, Vriesea rostrum-aquilae Mez, Vriesea duvaliana E.Morren

  • Description

    Description - Plant flowering 3-7 dm high. Leaves 15-20 in a spreading rosette, 25-56 cm long; sheaths broadly elliptic, much wider than the blades, pale brown toward base, green or sometimes purple toward apex, covered with minute appressed brown scales; blades ligulate, broadly acute or subrounded and apiculate, 20-45 mm wide, sometimes slightly narrowed toward base, wholly green, sometimes with small irregular transverse nerves, glabrous above, very obscurely lepidote beneath. Scape erect, 5-6 mm in diameter, much shorter than the leaves; scape-bracts strongly imbricate and enfolding the scape, broadly elliptic, apiculate, the upper red and gradually larger and more like the floral bracts. Inflorescence simple, densely many-flowered, oblong or linear, acute, strongly compressed, 15-40 cm long, 4-5 cm wide, glabrous or nearly so. Floral bracts strongly imbricate, always covering the rhachis and sepals, erect, 45-60 mm long, subrhombic, folded on the keel with the side nearly flat, incurved toward apex, papyraceous and red with broad yellow membranaceous margins; flowers erect with the petals all issuing from one side of the inflorescence but not truly secund; pedicels obconic, stout, 3-5 mm long. Sepals elliptic, obtuse, 15-27 mm long, ecarinate; petals ligulate, obtuse, nearly 5 cm long, bearing 2 obtuse scales at base; stamens and pistil exserted. Capsule cylindric, attenuate, 35-40 mm long.

  • Distribution

    Epiphytic in forest, from near sea level to 930 m alt, Rio de Janeiro State to Santa Catarina.

    Brazil South America| Rio de Janeiro Brazil South America| São Paulo Brazil South America| Paraná Brazil South America| Santa Catarina Brazil South America|