Gaultheria eriophylla var. mucronata Luteyn

  • Authority

    Luteyn, James L., et al. 1995. Ericaceae, Part II. The Superior-Ovaried Genera (Monotropoideae, Pyroloideae, Rhododendroideae, and Vaccinioideae P.P.). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 66: 560. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Gaultheria eriophylla var. mucronata Luteyn

  • Type

    Type. Bolivia. "Yungas et Yuracares," Pentland 196-201 (lectotype, here designated, P; isolectotype, OXF; probable isolectotypes, F frag., photo F neg. 38262, K, OXF). Syntype, D'Orbigny 265, P.

  • Synonyms

    Gaultheria mucronata Remy, Brossea mucronata (Remy) Kuntze, Gaultheria remyana A.C.Sm.

  • Description

    Description - Shrub to small tree, (0.6-)2-4(-5) m tall; indumentum fulvous- to canescent-tomentose. Leaves oblong to elliptic-oblong, apex rounded (broadly acute). Pedicels 4-5 mm long; bracteoles 2.5-3.5 mm long; floral bracts 3.5-5(-7.5) mm long.

  • Discussion

    Gaultheria eriophylla is a very distinct species characterized by tomentose-lanate leaves (indumentum glabrate above, but ± persistent beneath), rachises, pedicels, and flowers; large, flat leaves with prominent, bluntly mucronate tips; and geographical distribution. It is morphologically quite stable, although the normally dense tomentum of the lower leaf surfaces may thin out with age, by which time the leaves appear sparsely tomentose beneath; this may happen to a much lesser degree in the inflorescence (including rachis, pedicels, calyx, and corolla). Gaultheria willisiana simply represents a more glabrescent form of G. eriophylla var. eriophylla from the Organ Mts. Two geographically and morphologically distinct varieties have been recognized based on the characters given in the key above.

    A possible hybrid was encountered in Luteyn & Dorr 13625 (Bolivia. La Paz: Murillo, Valle de Zongo) which was growing along a roadside edge with G. erecta (Luteyn & Dorr 13620). The plants of G. eriophylla (var. mucronata) had minutely gland-tipped hairs on the rachises, pedicels, bracts, bracteoles, calyces, and corolla- a feature otherwise not common in the species.

    The status of ×G. caparoensis Sleumer is discussed with G. serrata var. organensis.

    Gaultheria eriophylla is most closely related to G. tomentosa, and the salient differences are mentioned in the key.

  • Objects

    Pending, M. Bang 223, Gaultheria tomentosa Kunth, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas Prov.

    Pending, L. J. Dorr 6889, Gaultheria eriophylla (Pers.) Sleumer ex B.L.Burtt, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi Prov.

    Pending, J. L. Luteyn 13645, Gaultheria eriophylla var. mucronata Luteyn, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Bolivia, La Paz

    Pending, J. L. Luteyn 13712, Gaultheria eriophylla (Pers.) Sleumer ex B.L.Burtt, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Bolivia, La Paz

    Pending, J. B. Pentland 196-201, Gaultheria eriophylla var. mucronata Luteyn, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Bolivia

  • Distribution

    Endemic from S Peru (Cuzco) to N Bolivia (La Paz) at (1000—) 1800— 2400(-3000) m elev. Found in moist, shaded places, forest edges, and cleared (somewhat dry) slopes.

    Peru South America| Cusco Peru South America| Pasco Peru South America| Puno Peru South America|