Tillandsia capillaris Ruiz & Pav.
Smith, Lyman B. & Downs, Robert J. 1977. Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 14 (2): 663-1492. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
Description - Plant very variable in both size and form, to 16 cm long in flower; roots present; stems many from a single point, densely massed, simple or branched. Leaves distichous, mostly 1-4 cm long, rarely shorter or up to 9 cm long, densely and finely pruinose-lepidote with cinereous to ferruginous scales; sheaths usually elliptic, thin, several-nerved, densely lepidote except where covered by the next below; blades erect to spreading, straight or rarely contorted, linear and less than 2 mm in diameter or narrowly triangular and thicker according to the form represented. Scape from almost none to 8 cm long, mostly slender, always naked, glabrous or slightly lepidote toward apex, developed almost wholly after anthesis. Inflorescence normally 1-flowered, rarely 2-flowered. Floral bracts ovate, acute or apiculate, thin with 3 or more strong nerves, densely lepidote to glabrous, usually equaling or exceeding the sepals; flowers subsessile. Sepals lanceolate, acute or obtuse, to 8 mm long, connate posteriorly; petals narrow with blade scarcely distinct, white, yellow or brown; stamens deeply included, exceeding the pistil. Capsule slenderly cylindric, abruptly short-beaked, 10-20 mm long.