Myrceugenia chrysocarpa (O.Berg) Kausel

  • Authority

    Landrum, Leslie R. 1981. A monograph of the genus Myrceugenia (Myrtaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 29: 1-137. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Myrceugenia chrysocarpa (O.Berg) Kausel

  • Type

    Type. Poeppig 926, "Habitat in Chili australis silvis imperviis ad Valle de Quillay Leucu montium Andes de Antuco," "v. in hb. Vindob. et Berol." (Field Museum neg. 31563 of syntype at W, photo at MICH).

  • Synonyms

    Eugenia chrysocarpa O.Berg, Eugenia philippi O.Berg, Eugenia buxifolia (Sw.) Willd., Eugenia patagonica Phil., Eugenia petiolata Phil., Myrceugenia buxifolia (Phil.) Reiche, Luma chrysocarpa (O.Berg) Burret, Luma philippi (O.Berg) Burret

  • Description

    Species Description - Shrub up to about 3 m high, without glands or at least not conspicuously glandular; hairs reddish-brown to whitish, mainly appressed, dibrachiate; twigs moderately pubescent to glabrous when young, soon glabrescent; leaves glabrous or with a few scattered, inconspicuous hairs, usually elliptic, ovate or lanceolate, less often obovate or oblanceolate, 1.3-5(-6) cm long, 0.5-2.5 cm wide, 1.5-4.5 (-5.8) times as long as wide; apex acute, obtuse or rounded; base obtuse, acute or cuneate; petiole channeled, 3-6 mm long, 0.5-1 mm thick, glabrous to very sparsely pubescent; midvein impressed for entire length or nearly so above, moderately prominent below, at least proximally; lateral veins indistinct or up to about 15 pairs faintly visible; marginal veins equalling laterals in prominence; blades coriaceous, light grey-green, yellow-green to somewhat olive-green above, light grey-green or yellow-green below, often concolorous, both surfaces dull; peduncles uniflorous, flattened, 3-16 mm long, 0.6-1 mm wide, glabrous to sparsely pubescent, solitary or in pairs in the leaf axils; bracteoles lanceolate, 1.3-2.7 mm long, 0.6-1.4 mm wide, 1.9-2.7 times as long as wide, coriaceous, clasping the hypanthium, glabrous within, glabrous or with scattered hairs without; calyx-lobes ovate to ovate-oblong, 1.7-3.2 mm long, 1.5-3.4 mm wide, 0.8-1.4 times as long as wide, subcoriaceous, glabrous to very inconspicuously and sparsely pubescent within and without, concave; petals glabrous, white to tan when dry, suborbicular, 2-4 mm in diam.; hypanthium obconic, the walls often slightly concave, 1.3-2 mm long, densely pubescent to nearly glabrous; disk 2-3 mm across, glabrous or with occasional hairs; stamens 70-150, 3-10 mm long; anthers slightly elongate, 0.3-0.5 mm long; style glabrous, 7-10 mm long; ovary 2-3-locular; ovules 3-10 per locule; fruit globose, 7-12 mm in diam., orange-brown (to purple?); seeds 1-5 in fruits seen, oblong, ca. 4-5 mm long.

  • Discussion

    There is a specimen at SGO (Krause s.n., "Corral 1861") identified by Philippi as Eugenia buxifolia, which is Myrceugenia chrysocarpa. It is therefore probable that Philippi’s E. buxifolia is a synonym of M. chrysocarpa.

    Myrceugenia chrysocarpa is most similar to M. glaucescens of eastern South America and M. planipes of western South America. The three are compared at the end of Key M, but it may be emphasized here that M. chrysocarpa differs from M. planipes in the following ways: M. chrysocarpa mainly grows above 700 m elevation whereas M. planipes mainly grows below 700 m; M. chrysocarpa usually has few or no glands, whereas M. planipes is usually noticeably glandular; M. chrysocarpa rarely has leaves over 5 cm long, the apex being acute or obtuse, whereas M. planipes has leaves often surpassing 5 cm with an acuminate apex; and M. chrysocarpa is usually glabrous or nearly so except for the hypanthium whereas M. planipes often has densely pubescent peduncles and twigs.

    Myrceugenia chrysocarpa, probably the most cold-tolerant of the western species, grows mainly in forests of Nothofagus dombeyi at elevations above 700 m. A map of its distribution is shown in Fig. 14. It flowers in February and March and its fruits mature from November to February.

    Distribution and Ecology: CHILE. Malleco: Baños de Tolhuaca, 20 Mar 1933, Looser 2732 (F), 17 Jan 1906, Sargent s.n. (A); Baños de Tolhuaca, ca. 1000 m, 28 Feb 1947, Kausel 2441 (HBR, LIL), 1000-1180 m, 9 Mar 1939, Morrison & Wagenknecht 17449 (UC), 1200 m, 20 Feb 1935, Montero 2206 (GH); Baños de Tolhuaca, Salto de la Culebra, 28 Feb 1947, Kausel 2434 (H); Laguna Verde, 1250 m, 28 Feb 1947, Kausel 2419 (CONC, F, H, HBR); Cordillera de Nahuelbuta, Coyancahufn, 600 m, 14-16 Feb 1939, Kausel 537 (F), Kausel 540 (H, SGO), Kausel 545 (LP), Kausel 546, 535 (CONC). Cautín: Volcán Llaima, 1250 m, 14 Mar 1954, Sparre & Constance 10677 (UC), ca. 1200 m, Feb 1927, Werdermann 1258 (GH, SI, UC, US), ca. 1100 m, Feb 1927, Werdermann 1248 (GH, SI, UC, US). Valdivia: Riñihue, 1000 m, 17 Feb 1941, Kausel 934 (H), ca. 900 m, 17 Feb 1941, Kausel 933 (F); Cordillera Pelada, 2 Nov 1965, Ricardi, Marticorena & Matthei 1214 (CONC); Reserva Forestal Llancacura, Camino Huenchucona, 11 Mar 1955, Consigny s.n. (EFI); Llifén, Cerrillos, 25 Feb 1958, Marticorena & Furet 83 (CONC). Osorno: summit of Cordillera de la Carpa, ca. 950 m, 1-3 Feb 1958, Eyerdam 10551 (F, NY, UC); Refugio La Picada, Volcán Osorno, 1 Feb 1937, Rudolph 4578 (VALD). Llanquihue: Alerzal Candelaria, 21 Jan 1944, Bernath 886 (F), Bernath 871 (CONC). Chiloé: Trumao, 28 May 1932, Junge s.n. (H).

  • Distribution

    Chile South America| Argentina South America| Neuquén Argentina South America| Rio Negro Argentina South America| Chubut Argentina South America|