Argylia uspallatensis DC.

  • Authority

    Gentry, Alwyn H. 1992. Bignoniaceae--part II (Tribe Tecomeae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 25: 1-370. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Argylia uspallatensis DC.

  • Type

    Type. Argentina. Mendoza: Ad Corillos de Uspallata, Cruishank & Gillies s. n. (M, not seen).

  • Synonyms

    Argylia trifoliata DC., Tecoma uspallatensis Mart. ex DC.

  • Description

    Species Description - Argylia uspallatensis is a clump-forming high Andean hemicryptophyte. It shares with more southern A. bustillosii the otherwise unique character of several small trichomes at base of the anther slit but differs in unarmed habit, mostly several-flowered inflorescence, and longer (4.5-10 cm long) capsule.

  • Distribution

    This is the northernmost of the three Argentinian species of Argylia, ranging between 2000 and 3400 m altitude and from 32°40'S in Mendoza Province north to the Bolivian border at 23°S in Jujuy Province. It barely crosses the Chilean border at the northern and southern extremes of its distribution into Antofagasta and Aconcagua Provinces. It is likely that A. uspallatensis will also be found to occur in the southernmost part of Potosí, Bolivia.

    Argentina South America| Mendoza Argentina South America|