Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.
Scientific Name
Genus Description - Sep and lateral pet ± alike in form and color or the pet smaller, in our spp. the pet usually connivent with the dorsal sep to form a hood over the column, the lateral sep spreading or recurved; lip linear to ovate or obovate or 3-lobed, entire to toothed or fringed, prolonged backward at base into a spur; column short, capped by the broadly sessile anther; pollen-sacs 2, commonly separated by connective tissue or by part of the stigma, each containing a clavate (seldom bifid) pollinium attached at its narrow end to a usually ± exposed viscidium; perennial herbs, often from a fascicle of fleshy roots, the erect stem with basal or cauline, alternate lvs and a terminal spike or raceme. 500+, cosmop. (Coeloglossum, Gymnadeniopsis, Limnorchis, Piperia, Platanthera) Hybrids are fairly frequent, in spite of modal differences in pollinators.
Common Names