Maxillaria purpurea (Spreng.) Ames

  • Authority

    Schweinfurth, Charles. 1967. Orchidaceae of the Guayana Highland. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 14: 69-214.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Maxillaria purpurea (Spreng.) Ames

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - COLOMBIA. Vaupes: Amazon Basin, Rfo Vaupes, at Mitii, about 320 m alt., between the river and Cerro de Mitú, flowers white, H. Humbert & A. Fernandez 27295. VENEZUELA. Bolivar: Raudales de Maihia, along Rio Paragua, lat. 4°25', long. 63°7', 500-510 m alt., epiphyte on tree, leaves coriaceous, dull green above and paler beneath, January 1, 1962, J. A. Steyermark 90521; bosque muscoso hiimedo montanoso a lo largo del afluente derecho (Oeste) subiendo el Rio Venamo, descendiendo el rio desde el campamento cerca de la union con el afluente Este, 950-1150 m alt., epiphyte, December 29-30, 1963, J. A. Steyermark & G. C. K. Dunsterville 92433. The West Indies (type of Camaridium purpureum), GUATEMALA (type of Ornithidium simulans), PERU and BRAZIL.

  • Discussion

    Camaridium purpureum Spreng., Syst. Veg. 3: 735. 1826.

    Ornithidium simulans A. & S., Sched. Orch. 10: 99. 1930.

  • Distribution

    COLOMBIA. Vaupes: Amazon Basin, Rfo Vaupes, at Mitii, about 320 m alt., between the river and Cerro de Mitú, flowers white, H. Humbert & A. Fernandez 27295. VENEZUELA. Bolivar: Raudales de Maihia, along Rio Paragua, lat. 4°25', long. 63°7', 500-510 m alt., epiphyte on tree, leaves coriaceous, dull green above and paler beneath, January 1, 1962, J. A. Steyermark 90521; bosque muscoso hiimedo montanoso a lo largo del afluente derecho (Oeste) subiendo el Rio Venamo, descendiendo el rio desde el

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