
  • Authority

    Schweinfurth, Charles. 1967. Orchidaceae of the Guayana Highland. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 14: 69-214.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - VENEZUELA. Bolivar: Auyan-tepui, cumbre de la parte sureste del brazo noroeste (division occidental del cerro) : noroeste del "Drizzly Camp," vecindad de afluente de Rio Churiin, oeste del Salto Churiin, en bosque humedo, 1850 m alt., along large stream, epiphyte on tree branch 2 m up, leaves rich green, 7-8 mm wide. M a y 5, 1964, J. A. Steyermark 93463 (plant sterile; aff. S. latisepala C. Schweinf.); same locality, cumbre de parte central del brazo noroeste (division occidental del cerro), bosque al lado de pequeiia quebrada con agua entre las sabanas al sur de avioneta de Jimmy Angel, 1800 m alt., epiphyte on tree branch in Bonnetia roraimae-B. Steyermarkii forest, leaves rich green. May 7, 1964, Steyermark 93548 (plant sterile; aff. S. latisepala Schweinf.); Ptari-tepui, Sororopantepui, on rocky hematite outcrops of open slopes, on west end of summit, 2225-2255 m alt., Steyermark 60062; between the base of Sierra de Lema and Rio Ayaiche, headwaters of Rio Chicandn, 80 k m (in a straight line) to the southeast of El Dorado, lat. 6°5' N., long. 62° W., 360 m alt., epiphyte on trunk, leaves fleshy, grass-green on both sides, August 22, 1961, Steyermark 89369; same locality, at base of high sandstone NNE-facing bluffs, 500 m alt., epiphyte on branch, August 27, 1961, Steyermark 89540 (both of these two latter collections have advanced flowers on the summit of the ovary); a lo largo del camino al Sur de El Dorado, vecindades del Km 113-125, 600 m alt., epiphyte, leaves erect, fleshy, 4-5 mm wide, peduncle erect, December 21, 1963-January 13, 1964, Steyermark & Dunsterville 92171 (fruit) ; bosque enano a lo largo de la fila Oeste del afluente derecho (Oeste) subiendo el Rio Venamo, 1000 m alt., epiphyte, sepals purple, December 27, 1963, Steyermark & Dunsterville 92208, 92210 (flowers poor); bosque enano muscoso, Nor-Este del afluente derecho (Oeste), subiendo el Rio Venamo, arriba de la ladera escarpada de arenisca, 950-1400 m alt., epiphyte on tree, flowers yellow, December 28, 1963, Steyermark & Dunsterville 92273 (flowers poor; aff. S. aviceps Lindl.; with inflorescence of Pleurothallis sclerophylla Lindl.); bosque muscoso enano montafioso sobre la fila arriba de la ladera escarpada de arenisca, 1400-1450 m alt., epiphyte on tree trunk, leaves pale green, flowers yellow, January 1, 1964, Steyermark & Dunsterville 92512 (no flowers seen) ; bosque muscoso enano montafioso sobre la fila arriba de la ladera escarpada de arenisca, 1400-1450 m alt., epiphyte at base of tree trunk, January 1, 1964, Steyermark & Dunsterville 92526 (sterile). Amazonas: Mt. Duida, about 1470 m alt., G. H . H. Tate 545; same locality, Laterite Valley, Savanna Hills, about 1350 m alt., August 1928-April 1929, Tate 838 (aff. S. argentata Lindl., flowers poor); Cerro de la Neblina, Rio Yatua, 1600-1700 m alt., in upper slope forest above Camp 4, epiphyte, buds greenish, January 13, 1954, B. Maguire, J. J. Wurdack & G. S. Bunting 37279 (aff. S. hylophila Reichb. f., immature buds). All of the above collections lack definitive flowers.

  • Distribution

    VENEZUELA. Bolivar: Auyan-tepui, cumbre de la parte sureste del brazo noroeste (division occidental del cerro) : noroeste del "Drizzly Camp," vecindad de afluente de Rio Churiin, oeste del Salto Churiin, en bosque humedo, 1850 m alt., along large stream, epiphyte on tree branch 2 m up, leaves rich green, 7-8 mm wide. M a y 5, 1964, J. A. Steyermark 93463 (plant sterile; aff. S. latisepala C. Schweinf.); same locality, cumbre de parte central del brazo noroeste (division occidental del cerro), bo

    Venezuela South America|