Inga racemiflora Ducke

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett & Wurdack, John J. 1961. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part IV (2). Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 1-87.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Inga racemiflora Ducke

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - VENEZUELA: Amazonas: locally frequent along flooded forest edge south and east of Maroa, Rio Guainia, alt. 130 m; shrub 3-5 m; corolla greenish-white; filaments white; 4 Jul 1959, Wurdack & Adderley 43313; occasional along Rio Yatua between mouth and Laja Catipan, alt. 110-120 m; tree 6 m; fls white; 13 Jul 1959, Wurdack & Adderley 43430.

  • Discussion

    The presence of this species in southwestern Venezuela is not unexpected, since it has been known previously from the Rio Negro region of northwestern Brazil. This is the first report for Venezuela, however.

  • Distribution

    VENEZUELA: Amazonas: locally frequent along flooded forest edge south and east of Maroa, Rio Guainia, alt. 130 m; shrub 3-5 m; corolla greenish-white; filaments white; 4 Jul 1959, Wurdack & Adderley 43313; occasional along Rio Yatua between mouth and Laja Catipan, alt. 110-120 m; tree 6 m; fls white; 13 Jul 1959, Wurdack & Adderley 43430.

    Venezuela South America|