Carex arctata Boott

  • Authority

    Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Carex arctata Boott

  • Description

    Species Description - Densely tufted, 3–8 dm, purplish at base; main stem-lvs 3–5 mm wide, those of the sterile shoots 3–8 mm wide; staminate spike 1–3 cm, rarely pistillate distally; pistillate spikes 3–5, very slender, 2–6 cm, the upper approximate, the lower well separated, drooping or spreading, very loosely fld; bracts all sheathing, the upper with much reduced setaceous blade; pistillate scales ovate or oblong, the body much shorter than the perigynium, many or all tipped with a short cusp, the whole usually three-fourths as long as the perigynium, but sometimes distinctly surpassing it; perigynia glabrous, narrowly ovoid, trigonous, 3.2–4.8 mm, abruptly narrowed to a short stipe, conspicuously 2- ribbed, finely and usually obscurely several-nerved, narrowed above to a short beak; achene concavely trigonous. Moist rich woods; Nf. to Minn., s. to Pa. and O.