
  • Authority

    Sharp, Aaron J., et al. 1994. The Moss Flora of Mexico. Part One: Sphagnales to Bryales. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69 (1): 1-452.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Species Description - Plants in loose to dense, pale-green to whitish or sometimes brownish tufts, up to 6, occasionally 15 cm tall, usually forked. Leaves erect, spreading, reflexed, or occasionally flexuose to falcate-secund, narrowly to broadly lanceolate, ± subtubulose above, somewhat expanded at base, gradually tapered to an acute apex, entire or sparsely denticulate near the tip; costa in section showing 1 layer of subquadrate chlorocysts and 1 or more layers of leucocysts above and below them; lamina consisting of hyaline, pitted cells at the margins of the costa, especially at base; in surface view chlorocysts reticulate and leucocysts short- to long-rectangular. Deciduous leaves, if present, small, linear to narrowly lanceolate, in clusters at stem tips. Pseudautoicous (dwarf males on the tomentum or leaves of female plants). Setae erect; capsules exserted, curved, usually strumose, ribbed when dry; annulus usually absent; operculum usually long-rostrate; peristome teeth 16, lanceolate, bifid, vertically pitted-striolate below, papillose above. Calyptrae cucullate, entire.

  • Discussion

    Leucobryum is defined by thick, fleshy leaves tapered from a broader base and incurved-channeled above, as well as curved, inclined capsules and vertically pitted-striolate peristomes.