Fissidens lindbergii Mitt.

  • Authority

    Pursell, Ronald A. 2007. Fissidentaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 101 (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Fissidens lindbergii Mitt.

  • Type

    Type. Brazil. Ad Rio de Janeiro, Lindberg s.n. (holotype, H-SOL; isotypes BM, H-BR, NY).

  • Synonyms

    Conomitrium acutifolium Lindb. ex Müll.Hal., Fissidens acutifolius Mitt., Fissidens schwackeanus var. terrestris Broth.

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants pale to dark green. Stems monomorphic, unbranched and branched, 2.3-7 mm long x 1.5-2.5 mm wide; rhizoids basal and axillary, smooth, light brown; axillary hyaline nodules present or absent; epidermis and outer cortical cells smaller than inner cortical cells, all thin-walled; central strand present or absent; axillary, stalked, multicellular, clavate gemmae often produced; central strand weak or absent. Leaves crispate when dry, distant, often palmately arranged, as many as 9 pairs, lanceolate to ligulate, acute, to 3.0mm long x 0.3-0.55 mm wide; margin entire, serrulate at apex, limbate on all laminae, limbidium reaching apex or ending a few cells below, limbidial cells bi- to tristratose; costa ending 5-20 cells below apex, narrowed distally, bryoides type; dorsal lamina narrowed, ending at insertion; vaginant laminae ± 1/2 leaf length, acute, equal; laminal cells eguttulate, unistratose, thin-walled, shrunken greatly when dry, mostly bulging mammillose, irregularly rhomboidal, 27-67 µm long x 13-17 µm wide; juxtacostal cells in proximal parts of vaginant laminae enlarged, ± oblong, pellucid. Monoicous ? (probably rhizautoicous); perigonia not seen; perichaetia terminal on stems and branches. Mature sporophytes and spores not seen. Calyptra cucullate, smooth, 0.8 mm long.

  • Discussion

    A synonym from outside the area of this study (Pursell, 1997a): Fissidens crumii Hoe.

    Fissidens lindbergii is characterized by its limbate leaves with large, thin-walled, mammillose laminai cells. The species has been confused with both F. dissitifolius and F. flaccidus, but the mammillose laminal cells will distinguish F. lindbergii from both of these species. At times the mammillae are difficult to see, but in most collections a round, light green area, of unknown origin, appears beneath each mammilla.

  • Distribution

    Mexico (Jalisco, Nayarit, Tamaulipas, Veracruz); Central America (Belize, Honduras); South America (Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Trinidad, Venezuela); on soil, infrequently on cement and bricks; 50-700 m. The species also occurs in the Hawaiian Islands.

    Trinidad and Tobago South America| Jalisco Mexico North America| Nayarit Mexico North America| Tamaulipas Mexico North America| Veracruz Mexico North America| Toledo Belize Central America| Copán Honduras Central America| Aragua Venezuela South America| Galápagos Islands Ecuador South America| Goiás Brazil South America| Amambay Paraguay South America|