Talisia veraluciana Guarim

  • Authority

    Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro. 2003. Meliococceae (Sapindaceae): . Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 87: 1-178. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Talisia veraluciana Guarim

  • Type

    Type. Brazil. Amazonas: Mun. Humaitd, terra firme forest, 1934 (fr), B.A. Krukoff 6886 (holotype, BR, n.v.; isotypes, A, n.v., BM, n.v., F, K, MO, U, US-2).

  • Description

    Species Description - Tree to 27 m tall; trunk buttressed at base. Stems angled to terete, smooth, striate, lenticellate, glabrous. Leaves imparipinnate or paripinnate; distal process truncate, 2-3 mm long; leaflets 6-12, alternate or opposite, oblong, ovate, elliptic or less often oblanceolate, 5.5-14.5 × 2-5 cm, coriaceous, adaxially glabrous, lustrous or opaque, with sunken midvein, abaxially densely appressed, ferruginous-sericeous, dull, with prominent midvein and secondary veins, tertiary veins reticulate, inconspicuous, the venation brochidodromus, with secondaries forming a 60°-70° angle with midvein, tertiary veins reticulate, the margins entire, revolute, the apex abruptly acuminate, mucronate, the base obtuse, or rounded, sometimes unequal; petiolules cylindrical, lenticellate, 3-7 mm long, minutely ferruginous-sericeous; rachis 3-11 cm long, sharply angled, minutely sericeous, striate, sometimes lenticellate, and adaxially bisulcate on distal portion; petioles 3-9 cm long, flattened along adaxial surface, striate, sparsely tomentulose, slightly enlarged at the very base, sometimes lenticellate. Thyrses panicle-shaped, axillary or terminal, to 30 cm long,; cataphylls acicular, ca. 4 mm long, minutely sericeous, clustered, axillary, early deciduous; axes angled, striate, minutely ferruginous-sericeous; bracts subulate, tomentulose, 1-1.5 mm long, early deciduous; dichasia simple or compound; peduncle 0.5-3 mm long, tomentulose; pedicels ca. 1.5 mm long, articulate at the middle or at base. Calyx 3-3.5 mm long, tomentose, the sepals free to the base, oblong or elliptic, obtuse at apex; petals elliptic, 5.5-5.7 mm long, erect, adaxially glabrous, abaxially glabrous, except for the appressed-pubescent lower third, the apex obtuse, the base cuneate to attenuate; appendages as long as the petals, adnate to the petal half of their length, deltate, erect, adaxially sericeous, abaxially puberulent papillate; disc 5-lobed, tomentulose, ca. 0.6 mm tall; stamens 8(10), the filaments of unequal length, 3-4.5 mm long, pilose, the anthers ca. 1 mm long, ellipsoid, glabrous, apiculate at apex; ovary ovoid, ferruginous, shortly tomentose, the stigma trigonous-capitate, papillate. Fruits ellipsoid, densely ferruginous-sericeous, 1.8-3 cm long, apiculate at apex, the pericarp woody, ca. 2 mm thick, the endocarp woolly-puberulent. Seed solitary, with fleshy testa. Embryo with cotyledons lying dorsiventrally over each other, the upper one slightly larger than the lower one.

  • Discussion

    The specific epithet honors Vera Lucia, the wife of the author.

    Phenology. Flowers from September to January, and fruits from November to June.

  • Common Names

    Cascudo, pau de espeto Vermelho, pitombarana

  • Distribution

    Brazil and Colombia, in lowland, terra firme, or seasonally flooded forests.

    Colombia South America| Antioquia Colombia South America| Valle Colombia South America| Brazil South America| Amapá Brazil South America| Amazonas Brazil South America| Mato Grosso Brazil South America| Pará Brazil South America|