Dicerandra linearifolia (Elliott) Benth.

  • Filed As

    Dicerandra linearifolia (Elliott) Benth.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3030610

    Occurrence ID: c5dfc495-1409-47a4-a89f-34fcb839e232

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Dicerandra linearifolia (Elliott) Benth. var. robustior Huck
det. Robin B. Huck (FLAS)	Dec 23, 2009
Examined for the Flora of North America, vol. 16.
Dicerandra linearifolia (Ell.) Benth.
Leon County: Roadside right-of-way through overgrown sandhill, on S
side of FL 371 (Orange Ave), ca. 0.1 mi SW of int FL 263 (Capital
Circle South), ca. 0.3 mi NW of int Rankin Rd, ca. 1.3 air mi IM of
Tallahassee Airport; NEQ, NWQ, NEQ, Sec. 8, T1S, R1W; Tallahassee
7.5' Quad.; 30025'05"N, 84°20'56"W. Elev. 60-70 ft. Soils -
Kershaw (Typic Quartzipsamments).
Steve L. Orzell and Edwin L. Bridges 15552	14 October 1990
The University of Texas Herbarium (TEX-LL)