Crataegus viridis L.

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    Crataegus viridis L.

Crataegus ?	< ’	^
13 adult specimens seen near Rome,, all large trees for
this genus; height Q to 12 m , trunk diameter 2_4 dm;spread of crown
about equal to h®i£>ht, treelike; upper branches spreading or ascending
lower .onespdgg^P^11^0.9	.
Bark ashy &T8L^ and- smooth.on smaller branches^witn a brownish or yel-
lowish tinge on young onesl, on trunk^ scaling off in irregular flakes
like the sycamore, sometimès as much as 3|dm lo&g and ? to 10 cm 1
leaving the trunk smoo.thish and variegated in patches from dark slate
to a light pinkish gray ,ac hording .to the age lo f thè ..flaked j off .pai^’st
The.xappèararnee of the thick, solid, straight trunk^.with its peculiar
pinkish gray coloring is“ the most distinctive character of the tree
when seen from a distance. It begins to fork ordinarily at about 1.5 m;
from the. ground!" • oxture
li Leaves,, firm in texture when mature, green and shining above, dull
and a little paler beneath, smoothe both sides except sometimes a
slight pubescence in the axils of the stronger veins beneath; not cil-
iate nor glandular* (for shape, margins, $c,'see specimens sent under ;
another cover.
Thorns, dark gray on older branches, brown on young twigs and hear the
ends of leading shoots, sharply pointed, 2—4 cm.long, not numerous,
straight , or sometimes very slightly curved.
Flowersjiiot in season} but a note made last summer from a single,
belated blossom says that the styles are 5y, stigmas capitate^ or some-
what clubshaped, Stamens about 20,. anthers yellow.
Fruit small, depressed globosa5—8 mm wide, 3--10 in a cluster, on
pedicels 6--12 mm long; smooth, bright yellowish red or scarlet when in-
turefclesh light yellow,calyx lobes lanceolate^acute at apex, broad at
basepntire, reflexed, inclining to persist, but fragile. Nutlets mostly
6fWitn a faint line or groove down the middle of the backfeides not hol-
rowed.	]