Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A.Camus

Plants of Puerto Rico
Herbarium, Department of Biology (MAPR)
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagiiez
Bothriochloa pertusa (Linnaeus) A. Camus
Erect, inflorescence reddish. Common along edge of
track in front of dense stands of Megathyrsus
maximus. Along overgrown dirt track through
abandoned pasture. Cabo Rojo, Bo. Llanos Costa,
Sierra Bermeja, National Wildlife Refuge, N base of
Cerro Mariquita. 18°00'35.8"N, 67°06'36.8"W± 8 m
(GPS), elev 60 m (map).
G. J. Breckon 8845	11 October 2008
with Frank X. Ferrer-Gonzdlez