Coreopsis tinctoria var. atkinsoniana (Douglas ex Lindl.) H.M.Parker ex E.B.Sm.

  • Filed As

    Coreopsis tinctoria var. atkinsoniana (Douglas ex Lindl.) H.M.Parker ex E.B.Sm.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2066895

    Occurrence ID: d79ee723-4bfa-4f0a-a652-e635a9655a7a

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The New York

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Section Calllopsis of Coreopsis (Compositae)
Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. var. atkinsoniana
(Dougl.) H. M. Parker

Det. by H. M. Parker { $0 197«^.

Herbarium of The State College of Washington, Pullman


Coreopsis atkinsoniana Dougl.

MINERAL CO.: Roadside weed about 8 miles
northwest of Superior, Tv/p. 17 or 18 N.,

R. 27 W. Rays about 8, golden, with a
small basal red-brown spot# Achenes
narrowly winged•

Arthur Cronquist 6737	July 21, 1950