Aristida stricta Michx.

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I cm					copyright reserved botanical garden
Aristida bey rich ¡ana Trinius & Ruprecht
Lake County: Frequently burned longleaf pine sandhill savanna
on both sides of FL 433, from 0-0.5 mi S of railroad and 0.2-0 7 mi
S of FL 46 at a point ca. 0.3 mi E of jet FL 46A, ca. 10 air mi W of
Sanford; Rock Springs Run State Preserve; Sanford SW 7.5'
Quad.; NEQ, SWQ, Sec. 30, T19S, R29E; 28°48'18" N- 81°27'12"
W. Soils- Astatula (TypicQuartzipsamments). Community
dominated by: Pinus palustris / Quercus laevis /Aristida
Steve L. Orzell and Edwin L. Bridges 22876 20 August 1994
University of South Florida Herbarium (USF)