Ulmus 'Homestead'
Rights: Rights reside with creator, otherwise property of NYBG.
Filed As
Ulmus 'Homestead' -
D. E. Atha 6900, 16 Mar 2009
United States of America. New York. Bronx Co. Grounds of The New York Botanical Garden, ca 0.44 km W (by air) of the Bronx River and ca 0.9 km N (by air) of Fordham Rd/Pelham Parkway/US 1.
Cultivated grounds.
Tree 13 m tall, the trunk 36 cm diam; bark maturing, furrows shallow, dark, rough, brown in the depths, the ridges flat, pale brown; young bark grey; principal branches 2, diverging just below 1/2 tree height, ± erect, soon branching again; lateral branches erect, then drooping, the whole crown elongate-cylindrical; flower bud scales brown; filaments white, the anthers purple. Thousands of perfectly circular holes ca 7 mm in diam form distinct horizontal rings on the trunk from near the ground to several meters in height. This cultivar was developed and introducted by the National Arboretum. It is a complex hybrid involving Ulmus glabra X Ulmus carpinifolia X Ulmus pumila.
Notes (shown on label)
NYGB Ascession number: 1394/94 A 'Memorial tree for Dr. W. Welch and H. W. Goff from Drs. N. & P. Holmgren'. Sample preserved in silica gel at NY
NY Barcode: 01088154
Occurrence ID: 857b9864-eda4-498c-a935-935e5d3963b8
Laboratory Collections
All Determinations
Ulmus 'Homestead' det D. E. Atha, 2009
North America
United States of America
New York
Bronx Co.
Grounds of The New York Botanical Garden, ca 0.44 km W (by air) of the Bronx River and ca 0.9 km N (by air) of Fordham Rd/Pelham Parkway/US 1
Alt. 26 m. (85 ft.)
40.8649, -73.8799
The New York Botanical Garden Ulmaceae Ulmus 'Homestead' det. D. E. Atha, 2009 United States of America. New York: Bronx Co. Grounds of The New York Botanical Garden, ca 0.44 km W (by air) of the Bronx River and ca 0.9 km N (by air) of Fordham Rd/Pelham Parkway/US 1. 40.864880N, 73.879904W (± 5 m), ca 26 m; accurate to within a radius of ca 5 m). Cultivated grounds. Tree 13 m tall, the trunk 36 cm diam; bark maturing, furrows shallow, dark, rough, brown in the depths, the ridges flat, pale brown; young bark grey; principal branches 2, diverging just below 1/2 tree height, ± erect, soon branching again; lateral branches erect, then drooping, the whole crown elongate-cylindrical; flower bud scales brown; filaments white, the anthers purple. Thousands of perfectly circular holes ca 7 mm in diam form distinct horizontal rings on the trunk from near the ground to several meters in height. This cultivar was developed and introducted by the National Arboretum. It is a complex hybrid involving Ulmus glabra, Ulmus carpinifolia and Ulmus pumila. NYGB Ascession number: 1394/94 A 'Memorial tree for Dr. W. Welch and H. W. Goff from Drs. N. & P. Holmgren'. Sample preserved in silica gel at NY. Daniel Atha 6900 16 Mar 2009 Specimen databased in KE Emu at NY 01088154
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Ulmus 'Homestead'