Calyptranthes forsteri O.Berg

tetyp'tr&n• 0-(3er^
Determined by Bruce K. Holst, 2001
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens (sel)
I Calyptranthes fiorifera McVaugh
Determined by Bruce K. Holst, 1987
Missouri Botanical Garden
Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas,
Caracas, Venezuela &
•Institute of Ecology, University erf Georgia, USA'
L.R- LituJvtlU-i
VENEZUELA, Territorio Federal Amazonas.
San Carlos de Rio Negro, ca. 20 km S of confluence of Rio Negro
and Brazo Casiquiare; lat. 1°56'N, long. 67°03'W; altitude 119 m;
(average rainfall 3400-3600 jnm/year). .	,	,	_ „
Near Pianare, along Rio Negro just above Is! a
Borua (~I. Bruno), ±28 km S of San Carlos.
Small tree, 5m high. Fruit hard, burgundy,
to green at base, [n.v.:	guayabita	(PM)).
Howard L. Clark 7950	22	April 1981
& Pedro Maquirino