Lantana camara L.

  • Kingdom


  • Division


  • Order


  • Family


  • All Determinations

    Lantana camara L.

  • Region


  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    North Tanna Area Council

  • Locality

    Tanna Island, North Tanna, Village of Nusameto

  • Elevation

    Alt. 278 m. (912 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -19.3831, 169.295

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

NRW York Botanical Garden: NY
Vanuatu National Herbarium: PVNH
The Ethnobotany of Vanuatu
New York Botanical Garden: NY
Vanuatu National Herbarium: PVNH
The Flora of Vanuatu
Lantana camara L.
Michael J. Balick #4752
N.V. Sentana [Naukau]
leaf When a person has a cut on their arm, leg
or head, take a few leaves of this species and
squeeze the juice on the wound to make it stop
bleeding (styptic activity) and lessen the pain.
Use as long as needed to heal the wound.
Source: Kating Ken Matai (M, 79), Marie Ken Matai (f, 29),
Ken Bob Matai (m, 32), Naloma Ken Matai (F, 2i)
Vanuatu: Tafea Province. Tanna Island. North Tanna,
Village of Nusameto.
S 19° 22’ 59"; E 169° IT 41" ; 278 m elev.
Spreading shrub to 1 m, flowers white with yellow-pink.
DNA, digital image. Duplicates: 6.
Michael J. Balick, #4752	December 3,2015
R. Sean Thackurdeen, Philemon Ala, Frazier Alo,
Thomas J. Doro and Leo Feimaga
A collaboration ofNYBG and PVNH, funded by The Christensen Fund,
The National Geographic Society, and The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund.