Nasturtium microphyllum Boenn. ex Rchb.

  • Filed As

    Nasturtium microphyllum Boenn. ex Rchb.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2376873

    Occurrence ID: 545ea496-a16c-416b-bc18-ab959ec109a6

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2^4 'L
Oregon State University
Flora of Washington, USA
Nasturtium microphyllum Boenn. ex Rchb.
Klickitat Co., Washington: Along State Hwy. 14, ca.
’ 1.5 miles west of Bingen; west of the junction, with
Dock Grade Road; Columbia River Gorge. Elev. 46 m.
N 45.72554° W 121.49733°
Habitat: Wet ditch.
Flowers white.
Associated taxa: Veronica, Juncus.
Richard R. Halse 8521	7 june 2012