Philodendron brandtianum K.Krause

  • Filed As

    Philodendron brandtianum K.Krause

  • Collector(s)

    T. B. Croat 85033, 12 Nov 2001

  • Location

    Brazil. Acre. Porto Walter Mun. along Rio Juruá Mirim, Communidade San Antonio. Secondary and primary forest intermixed.

  • Description

    Hemiepiphytic vine; internodes 6-12 mm diam., medium to dark green and semiglossy, coarsely white-streaked at apex, soon becoming grayish silver-green to brownish, almost matte; cataphylls green, unribbed, deciduous; petioles subterete, obtusely flattened and weakly sulcate below middle; finely short lineate-ridged, especially toward apex, purple-violet at tip and on base of blade subcoriaceous, semiglossy, moderately bicolorous; midrib flat and slightly paler above, medium green, obtusely angular and densely short, pale-lineate below; minor veins moderately distinct and fine; juvenile blades more or less velvety, appressed-climbing with the blades more or less appressed to the tree.

  • Specimen Notes

    See NY barcode 1187540 for duplicate sheet.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1187541

    Occurrence ID: 98776fbb-59a6-49d4-9a0f-cde3d61f108d

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Porto Walter Mun.

  • Locality

    along Rio Juruá Mirim, Communidade San Antonio. Secondary and primary forest intermixed.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 240 m. (787 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -8.23596, -73.0497

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Georeferenced to the geographic center of Rio Juruá-Mirim within Santo Antônio in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre. Using Google Maps, located Rio Juruá-Mirim in Santo Antônio. Using visual evidence, approximated the geographic center Rio Juruá-Mirim within Santo Antônio. Used Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs to find the coordinates, on the north shore toward the location of the community. Since the community does not have defined spatial boundaries, used Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) to measure from the selected coordinates to the center of the nearest named place, São Luís; halved this extent to find the linear extent of Santo Antônio. Input coordinates, linear extent (1895.04 m.), and measurement error (.01 m.) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius.

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

The New York Botanical Garden
Universidade Federal do Acre
Flora of Acre
Philodendron brandtianum K. Krause
Brazil Acre. Porto Walter. Municipio Porto Walter;
along Rio Jurua Mirim, Communidade San Antonio;
secondary and primary forest intermixed.
8°14'13"S, 73°3'21"W
240 m.240 m.
12 Nov 2001
T. B. Croat 85033