The New York Botanical Garden is acknowledged for providing the principal funding for the core components of this project. Partial funding for the field-based components of the project on the island of St. Eustatius was provided by Conservation International. Partial funding for the electronic publication of the projects results was provided by The Van Eeden Foundation. The financial support from these organizations is deeply appreciated.

In the field, Carol Gracie was responsible for the numerous excellent digital images of plants that appear on this Web site; William Buck was responsible for collecting bryophytes and lichens; Harrie Sipman was responsible for collecting lichens; Brian Boom was in charge of collecting vascular plants. Freelance journalist Suzanne Nielsen documented the field work and published several articles about the project. Paul Hoetjes assisted in the plant collecting and in facilitating permits for collecting and exporting plant specimens. National Park Ranger Hannah Madden and her team of volunteers at STENAPA provided invaluable assistance in the field, including expert guide service in the national parks and a vehicle for the expedition team’s use. Carleton van Putten of the Miriam Schmidt Botanical Garden, allowed the team to collect specimens on the property of the Garden and also provided valuable field assistance. STEPAPA granted permission for the project to be conducted and this organization was supportive of all aspects of it, before, during and after the actual time spent on St. Eustatius. Appreciation is extended to all these people and their organizations for their roles in making the presentation of the project results possible.

At The New York Botanical Garden, staff of the William and Lynda Steere Herbarium mounted the specimens collected on St. Eustatius. Tony Kirchgessner processed the specimen data, and Melissa Tulig incorporated those data into a new Web site she designed for presenting the project’s research results as the publication Plants and Lichens of St Eustatius. All of these talented and dedicated staff are deeply appreciated.

A number of botanists assisted in the identification or confirmation of identifications of specimens of plants and lichens collected on St. Eustatius, as acknowledged on the individual specimen records. Great appreciation is extended to, in alphabetical order, James Ackerman, Christiane Anderson, William Anderson, Waldo Bonet, Brian Boom, William Buck, Eric Christenson, Carol Gracie, Eric Lamont, Robbin Moran, Scott Mori, Rob Naczi, Michael Nee, Harrie Sipman, and Thomas Zanoni. A special acknowledgement is due to Eric Lamont, who devoted considerable time to assisting with specimen identifications generally, and Asteraceae in particular.