Bibliography Details:

Morton, Cynthia M.
Mori, S. A.
Prance, Ghillean T.
Karol, Kenneth G.
Chase, Mark W.
Article or Chapter Title:

Phylogenetic relationships of Lecythidaceae: A cladistic analysis using rbcL sequence and morphological data

Journal or Book:

American Journal of Botany; official publication of the Botanical Society of America 84: 530-540

The first cladistic study of Lecythidaceae based on molecular and morphological data. This study supports the monophylly of a group that includes the Lecythidaceae sensu lato and also the Scytopetalaceae. Without the addition of the Scytopetalaceae the Lecythidaceae are not monophyletic. It also clearly shows that Asteranthos, traditionally placed in the Lecythidaceae subfamily Napoleonaeaoideae, is more closely related to species of Scytopetalaceae than it is to Napoleonaea. The study shows a sister relationship with the Sapotaceae, but this relationship has been found in some but not all subsequent studies.

KEYWORDS = cladistics, Lecythidaceae, Lecythidoideae, molecular data, phylogeny, Napoleonaeoideae, Planchonioideae, rbcL, Scytopetalaceae, Asteranthos.