Monographs Details:

Smith, Albert C. 1952. Plants collected in Ecuador by W. H. camp. Vaceiniaceae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 8 (1): 41-85.


Species Description - (spreading shrub, terrestrial, up to 1 m. high; leaves pale green; bracts pinkish; flower-buds white). (short-branched epiphyte; bracts flushed with pink; hypanthium greenish, the calyx-lobes white; corolla deep purple toward base, white above).


This recently described species, occurring, like many others of the family, over a wide altitudinal belt in Pacific Colombia, has already been recorded from the Province of Pichincha but not elsewhere in Ecuador. In Colombia it occurs from near sea-level up to 2,000 m. The cited specimens both have very young inflorescences but present no important points of difference from Colombian material; under very high magnification the young bracteoles, calyces, and corollas are seen to be copiously glandular with minute spherical sessile glands.

Ecuador South America|