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Kgaria cyanogranulifera Halling, Fechner & Davoodian

Australia. Queensland. Great Sandy National Park, Fraser Island, road from Eurong to Central Station. Alt. 105 m. (344 ft.)

R. E. Halling 9344 with N. Fechner, M. Castellano, 22 May 2010

Pileus 4.5-13 cm broad, plane, dry, matted subtomentose, finely areolate toward margin, milk chocolate brown. Flesh white, staining dull reddish then blue. Tubes yellowish green staining dull reddish then blue then dark brown to black. Stipe 11 cm x 2 cm subclavate to nearly equal, white with a pale greenish tint at apex, pinkish brown below staining black, with white interior bluing in apex, reddish in base becoming dark brown. Pileipellis with cyanogranuliferous elements, palisadal orientation and with constricted septa. Stipitipellis with clustered caulocystidia that are short-clavate, with uniformly pale brown content or with pale blue green walls and occasional cyanogranules (+); some scattered oleiferous elements and occasional and obvious narrow diam hyphae with blue green walls and obvious cyanogranules (+).

Scleropjhyll. Eucalyptus pilularis, Leptospermum, Syncarpia. Scatterd to gregarious. On sand.

Specimen Notes: Duplicate in BRI (AQ0794252)

NY Barcode: 1115359
GUID: 77cf0194-b54c-48da-97e6-e1e50b171db4

Georeferencing Method: GPS
Coordinates: (-25.4977, 153.098)


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