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Some examples available:

Fulgenizi, T.D., R.E. Halling, T.W. Henkel. 2010. Fistulinella cinereoalba sp. nov. and new distribution records for Austroboletus from Guyana. Mycologia 102: 224-232.

Halling, R.E., T.J. Baroni, M. Binder. 2007. A new genus of Boletaceae from eastern North America. Mycologia 99: 310-316.

Halling, R.E., T.W. Osmundson, M.A. Neves. 2006. Austroboletus mutabilis sp. nov. from northern Queensland. Muelleria 24: 31-36.

Halling R.E. & G.M. Mueller. 1999. New boletes from Costa Rica. Mycologia 95: 893-899.

Halling, R.E. 1983. Boletes described by Charles C. Frost. Mycologia 75: 70-92.