1981. Various. Dedication to Rupert C. Barneby. Brittonia 33: 261-274. [on the occasion of his 70th birthday in recognition of his devotion and intellectual commitment to plant systematics and his extraordinary depth and breadth of scholarship].

1990. Grimes, J. W. Rupert C. Barneby: Winner of the 1989 Asa Gray Award. Systematic Botany 15: 1-2.

1990. Tiehm, A. Congratulations Rupert C. Barneby. Northern Nevada Native Plant Society Newsletter 16(2).

1992. Martin, D. After England and Hollywood, Beans Win Out. NY Times, 18 April.

2000. Martin, D. Rupert C. Barneby, 89, Botanical Garden Curator and Expert on Beans, Is Dead. NY Times, 10 Dec.

2000. Zarrucchi, J. Obituary in Fl. N. Amer. Newsl., 14(4): 23-24.

2001. Crase, D. Ruperti Imagines: a portrait of Rupert Barneby. Brittonia 53: 1-40.

2001. Lesica, P. Rupert Barneby (1911-2000). Friends of the University of Montana Herbarium Newsletter, Spring, page 3.

2001. Spellenberg, R. Rupert C. Barneby (October 6, 1911-December 5, 2000) A Memoir.Sida 19: 745-751.

2003. Lewis, G. P. A tribute to Rupert Charles Barneby (1911-2000). Adv. Legume Systematics, Pt. 10, Higher Level Systematics. Royal Bot. Gard. Kew. pages xi-xiii.

2005. Wojciechowski, M. & Aaron Liston. Rupert C. Barneby and his legume legacy.Brittonia 57: 299-300. [Introduction to Volume 57 containing papers presented at a colloquium marking the 40th anniversary of the publication of Barneby’s Atlas of American Astragalus at the annual meeting of BSA and ASPT at Snowbird Resort, Salt Lake City, UT in 2004.]

2004. Welsh, S. L. Rupert C. Barneby and Pugillus Astragalorum. Brittonia 57: 301-313. [Discussion of Barneby’s long series of numbered papers on this genus.]

2004. Crase, D. Both: A portrait in two parts. Pantheon, New York.